Thursday, August 16, 2012

In Addition To The Pancasila Ideology Prohibits MADIUN

COMPASS/IWAN SETIYAWANPengunjung see Monument of Pancasila Sakti on Crocodile Hole area, East Jakarta, Monday (8/5/2011).

JAKARTA, -Great Sysop Nahdlatul Ulama (MADIUN), along with a number of community organizations prohibit the existence of other Pancasilais ideology as a philosophy of life and the State in addition to the basic five precepts. What's more the ideology that smells like Communism or socialism left compulsory came into existence in Indonesia is prohibited.

"In Indonesia should not exist in addition to the Pancasila ideology. We should should rise of PKI. Communism or socialism should be banned, "Said Ali As'ad, said Undersecretary-General MADIUN in the event of a declaration of" Should "in the Revival of the PKI headquarters MADIUN, Jakarta, Wednesday (15/8/2012).

As'ad affirm, PKI both 1948 and 1965 has been consuming a lot of casualties. PKI, he continued, it's very good at conducting infiltration into walks of life especially farmers and labourers or small income people.

Discourse of the President to the victim apology human tragedy, he said, obviously 1965 indicates a bless coming resurrection PKI efforts. Komnas HAM As'ad pointing fingers over the investigation of events of 1965 was political maneuvering aimed at systematically turn on PKI.

"When referring to Tap MPRS 1966 is the consensus in the fortify Pancasila from the threat of atheism and communism," he asserted.

Pontjo Sutowo expressed similar opinions of the FKPPI reveals PKI and Communist actions in violation of Pancasila. Every action, he thinks, is the PARTY unconstitutional.

PKI, according to breaking of freedom Pontjo, who awarded him Indonesia people. "PKI always wanted to rebel to us. Their actions not in accordance with the Constitution. The entire nation of Indonesia should be wary of the rise of communism and opposition to the Pancasila ideology, "he said.

Former President Abdurrahman Wahid, Gus Dur never or reveal that TAP MPRS No. XXV in 1966 about banning communism, Marxism and Leninism should be repealed. In addition, Wahid expressed an apology to the victims of the tragedy of 1965 because he could not be denied that NU with Anshor was responsible for the death of the community allege PKI without going through court proceedings. Beyond that, the perpetrators, according to Wahid's view, should be dragged into court so that justice is upheld.

Responding to Wahid's statement a few years ago, Said Ali As'ad discloses that it is just mere political opinion. "If Wahid is alive he will agree with us. Statement regarding removal of Wahid's Tap MPR's only political issues only. I would know what was in the minds of Wahid compared you guys (reporters), "Said Ali As'ad seloroh.

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